I’ve been reading this person’s writing the past few days, and I have to say I thoroughly enjoy it.

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Luke Writes What You Read

“You’d make me pay for a drink when the world is ending?”
Karra crossed her arms, the mutant horns of her right striking sparks against the black iron augmetic of her left.
“Zeelo, I’d make YOU pay for the drink if Angron appeared in a cyclone of blood and drowned us. And if the world’s ending I’m not spending my last seconds looking at you for free. So pay, leave, or give me an excuse to kill you, and those are in ascending order of preference.”
Zeelo slinked out of the Bloody Cog into the rusting alley between manufactory stacks. No-one had ever proven that Karra served Iron Warriors in the armored upper floor, or that she distilled debtors into the bloodka which got them drunk. But even Zeelo understood this might be because anyone who could prove it was now proof.
Karra unclenched her fists and went back to scouring…

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